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Urgent Tomato Soup

Urgent Tomato Soup

Winter hit Charlotte these last couple of days with snow and ice. We just don’t have the equipment and means here to carry on so of course the town pretty much shut down. Tomato soup was in order after playing outside with the kids and feeling absolutely frozen! I created this recipe a year ago [...]

Spiced Lentil Quinoa Stew

Spiced Lentil Quinoa Stew

Yes, I realize we are in the midst of summer and I am giving you stew. Nevertheless, everyone likes a piping hot meal and even better, a one pot meal. At the end of the day, even if a recipe calls for more ingredients than I would like, I will make it knowing it only requires [...]

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto is a fresh and flavorful combination of a leafy green (think herb, arugula, spinach, etc.) + some type of nut (pine nuts, walnuts) + olive oil + sharp aged cheese (like parmesan) + garlic that can serve as an Italian sauce or spread. My basil plant is the only thing in my garden that I happen to [...]

Charlotte Veggie