Charlotte Veggie


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Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Thank you for the big warm response on the Back to School: Lunch Box Ideas! That got me thinking of the first obstacle of the day – breakfast! The kids are often not hungry right away, still half asleep, and parents are trying to get anything into them before they leave. The school day is long [...]

White Bean Pesto Hummus

White Bean Pesto Hummus

We have some rainy day blues going on here with a pretty empty fridge and pantry as well as a dead car battery. That’s no bueno when you’re feeling snacky! Thankfully, I had a carton of beans and still tons of basil in my summer garden. You can use this recipe as a rough guide. [...]

Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

It’s always a special blessing when you become good friends with someone in your own family. One of my husband’s cousins is married to an awesome woman who I am so glad to have as a friend. We relate on so many things, food of course included! We trade and recommend recipes and whenever she tries [...]