Charlotte Veggie


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Benefits of Fresh Juice, Juice Bar CLT Discount Code, & My 1st GIVEAWAY!

Benefits of Fresh Juice, Juice Bar CLT Discount Code, & My 1st GIVEAWAY!

Yesterday marked one of the first private organized events that I was invited to as a blogger and “Charlotte Influencer” as it was honorably phrased. It took place at Juice Bar CLT. I was pretty giddy excited to be included and looked forward to networking with likeminded, creative, driven folks. Read on to learn why it’s a [...]

Fruit & Nut Quinoa Salad

Fruit & Nut Quinoa Salad

Including fruits, veggies, nuts, and the complete protein powerhouse seed known as quinoa, this salad can be served as the main attraction, lunch box feature, or enhancing side. I made this recipe as part of my Sunday weekly meal prep. I don’t always accomplish meal prep but school starting back up tomorrow put me in the [...]

Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

After the great response to my post on spiralizing in Zucchini Spaghetti, I thought I would share another delightful recipe utilizing the same method. I really enjoy using my spiralizer  to make things that my children don’t normally like to eat. Believe it or not, the sweet potato fans in the family are pretty much my dog Bella [...]