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Fresh Falafel With Tahini Sauce

Fresh Falafel With Tahini Sauce

So many reasons to love and use chickpeas (garbanzo beans). They have a mild nutty flavor that compliments salads, are easy to mash with a buttery texture middle, contain load of nutrients including protein, fiber, vitamins, and are featured in dishes around the world. They contribute to supporting digestive and colon health and many people [...]

Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

I’m aiming to quit regular coffee consumption. Again. There are a few reasons for this: It really doesn’t pep me up. More than anything, a hot drink in the morning is comforting. I like the taste of coffee very much but I like the warm cup even more. I feel wasteful. I rarely get through a cup. [...]

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

As you may have read in my Get Well Sooner post last week, we had the go-round with colds last week. When the kids are sick, I try to balance what I want to get into them nutritionally with their diminished appetite as well as special requests. Because everyone deserves to be spoiled when under the [...]

Charlotte Veggie