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Potato Pinto Pepper Burritos With Choco-Cinnamon Chili

Potato Pinto Pepper Burritos With Choco-Cinnamon Chili

Given Mexican food is my favorite cuisine (but do I really have to pick?), we eat a good deal of it around here. You name it: tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, fajitas, bowls of rice and beans. On this night, we fancied burritos. But we like them smothered in a sauce. A really, really good sauce. This one [...]

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

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Portland – The Green Elephant

Portland – The Green Elephant

Continuing the drive up the coast of Maine, we stopped in Portland for one night. We were all in the mood for Asian food and decided on a vegetarian Thai restaurant called The Green Elephant. We checked with several locals including our hotel staff, shop keepers, and Uber drive and they all gave it a [...]

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