Charlotte Veggie


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Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

We all enjoyed both dishes but initially I made the spaghetti squash for the adults and the couscous for the kids. Although the recipes are very simple, they turned out unique and delicious. We ate up the rest of the stew too and it complemented both! First, I want to talk about spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash can [...]

Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Oh enchilada pie, where have you been all my life? Actually I attempted stacked enchiladas once but because I used a large 9×12 dish so everything was too spread out with only one layer of filling. A thicker, layered pie is essential. Two things we loved most: 1. I did NOT miss rolling up each individual [...]

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

This month marks 10 years since I moved to Charlotte. I love it here more and more with each passing year. I am always exploring what is new, continuing my patronage at my favorite places, and really, expansion of all kinds has taken place over the last decade. I try not to think of the [...]

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