Charlotte Veggie


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Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk

We took a long weekend trip to Boston in October 2013 and had some delicious food! Elephant Walk offers French and Cambodian food which reflects the founders’ cultural backgrounds. It is best stated on their website: “The Elephant Walk has something for everyone, offering a bi-cultural menu with a broad range of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. [...]

Stitch Fix

Stitch Fix

Coming soon

Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Who doesn’t like ramen? The broth is everything. Ok, maybe the noodles too but for a healthier take, zoodles do the trick. A while back, I attempted to make an Asian noodle soup with spiralized zucchini and tofu (pictured below) but it was missing something. Perhaps the mushroom and other vegetables or I didn’t allow [...]