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Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

Spiralized: Rosemary Speckled Squiggly Sweet Potato Fries

After the great response to my post on spiralizing in Zucchini Spaghetti, I thought I would share another delightful recipe utilizing the same method. I really enjoy using my spiralizer  to make things that my children don’t normally like to eat. Believe it or not, the sweet potato fans in the family are pretty much my dog Bella [...]

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Happy new year! Who said the partying can’t continue with your resolutions? Check out how I entertained with tofu caprese, chickpea salad in endive boats, spiralized sesame slaw salad, cheese and crackers, polenta cakes, and roasted truffle white sweet potatoes. I’m starting my 2016 off with reseting back to more planned and cleaner eating again. There is [...]

Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Oh strawberries. Juicy. Sweet. Plump. Beautifully red. Naturally heart shaped. Fun fact: I also recently learned that North Carolina is the #3 for harvesting the most strawberries in the United States. Personal fact: As much as I enjoy chocolate, I will always pick strawberry shortcake over a brownie sundae! These cupcakes do require some love [...]

Charlotte Veggie