Charlotte Veggie


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Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Oh enchilada pie, where have you been all my life? Actually I attempted stacked enchiladas once but because I used a large 9×12 dish so everything was too spread out with only one layer of filling. A thicker, layered pie is essential. Two things we loved most: 1. I did NOT miss rolling up each individual [...]

Marbled Banana Bread

Marbled Banana Bread

  Something I really enjoy doing when we have overnight guests is getting up early and preparing something sweet to cook in the oven. As the goody bakes, it fills the house with a warm and welcoming aroma that everyone appreciates waking up too. Add a pot of hot coffee or tea and bam, just call [...]

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

This smoothie works well as a treat when the little ones are tired of toast, English muffins, cereals, cut up fruit, yogurt, and nutrition bars and it’s pleasing to me as a mom sneaking in so many nutrients helping them start their day off strong! Full of vitamin C, A, iron, fiber, protein, omega-3, and [...]