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Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

The start of fall, officially today, commences the start of soup season for me! Savor this fix it and forget it slow cooker meal after a long day. It is plenty hearty on its own but don’t let me stop you from serving it with some crusty bread or over rice, couscous, or quinoa. French lentils, red [...]

Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Welcome to a post about some of my favorite, most used, natural, and affordable skin products. The skin is our largest organ and can truly reflect what is going on beneath. Here is a photo of me with no makeup and no filter. I share this to show that I’m a real person. I realized [...]

Quinoa Primavera Puttanesca

Quinoa Primavera Puttanesca

Whenever I don’t know what to make for lunch or dinner, I just start chopping veggies and sautéing them in olive or coconut oil. As the aroma fills the air, my creative juices start flowing. I’ve got my fiber and antioxidants covered with the veggies and my fat covered with the oil. Next I try [...]

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Charlotte Veggie