Charlotte Veggie


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Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted vegetables have become a staple in our household and swayed my children as well as myself to eat certain previous untouchables. Suddenly, thinly sliced eggplant makes for delicious, smoky chips and cauliflower tastes like popcorn. Broccoli is addictive and onions are less pungent. The natural moisture that evaporates in the oven brings out a sweeter, [...]

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

You Are My Sunshine Smoothie

This smoothie works well as a treat when the little ones are tired of toast, English muffins, cereals, cut up fruit, yogurt, and nutrition bars and it’s pleasing to me as a mom sneaking in so many nutrients helping them start their day off strong! Full of vitamin C, A, iron, fiber, protein, omega-3, and [...]

Valentine’s Dinner: Charred Pepper Salad W/Eggplant Chips & Basil Cream, Butternut Soup, Cauliflower Steaks

Valentine’s Dinner: Charred Pepper Salad W/Eggplant Chips & Basil Cream, Butternut Soup, Cauliflower Steaks

With Valentine’s Day coming up this weekend, I wanted to provide you with a delicious homemade gourmet meal that is suitable for most diets out there (gluten free, grain free, can be dairy free) and pleasing to different tastebuds. Large thick slices of purple cauliflower make beautiful steaks, a warm smoky salad with light basil [...]