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Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

We are all geared up here in Charlotte to cheer on the Carolina Panthers in the Super Bowl tomorrow! I thought I would compile a list of Charlotte Veggie recipes that are quick, gourmet, and game friendly to make your party menu plan easier:   Asparagus Fries and Smoky Red Pepper Hummus White Bean Pesto [...]

Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Thanksgiving Edition: Thyme For Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

Comfort in a big ole casserole. Herby, hearty, healthy, and more. A medley of colorful vegetables which I chose carefully to combine and they also cook at similar rates. I can’t stand biting into something that has varying spots of doneness. Do not be afraid to make these mashed potatoes and use real butter. A [...]

Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Back To School Breakfast: Doughnuts!

Thank you for the big warm responseĀ on the Back to School: Lunch Box Ideas! That got me thinking of the first obstacle of the day – breakfast! The kids are often not hungry right away, still half asleep, and parents are trying to get anything into them before they leave. The school day is long [...]

Charlotte Veggie