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Urgent Tomato Soup

Urgent Tomato Soup

Winter hit Charlotte these last couple of days with snow and ice. We just don’t have the equipment and means here to carry on so of course the town pretty much shut down. Tomato soup was in order after playing outside with the kids and feeling absolutely frozen! I created this recipe a year ago [...]

Simple Baked Kale Chips

Simple Baked Kale Chips

My goals are strong this new year but I know the munchies are going to pester me for a few more days. I just want to snack on something crunchy and salty that is not processed. These ever so simple, crisped up greens fit the bill. I started by roughly chopping two decent size bunches [...]

Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

Soul & Soreness Soothing: Yoga, Epsom Salts, Smoothie Bowls

I did a social and splurge shift between Thursday and Friday. I spent Thursday night indulging in ramen, and Friday I dared to participate in a yoga boot camp type workshop at Y2 Yoga. It was hard but many modifications were provided. Drenched is an understatement of how we all were at the end! I really enjoyed the [...]

Charlotte Veggie