Charlotte Veggie


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Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Who doesn’t like ramen? The broth is everything. Ok, maybe the noodles too but for a healthier take, zoodles do the trick. A while back, I attempted to make an Asian noodle soup with spiralized zucchini and tofu (pictured below) but it was missing something. Perhaps the mushroom and other vegetables or I didn’t allow [...]

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Hey hey it’s Fri-yay! I thought I would do a more social post to get you into weekend mode! Last night was a wonderful evening and just adds to why I love my town. Full of good ideas, new developments, and most of all, positive, hope-filled energy, Charlotte is always buzzing with charitable opportunities and [...]

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes

Happy new year! Who said the partying can’t continue with your resolutions? Check out how I entertained with tofu caprese, chickpea salad in endive boats, spiralized sesame slaw salad, cheese and crackers, polenta cakes, and roasted truffle white sweet potatoes. I’m starting my 2016 off with reseting back to more planned and cleaner eating again. There is [...]