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Dilly’s Gourmet Guacamole

Dilly’s Gourmet Guacamole

It just warms my heart when my little man pulls up the step stool to prepare food with me! He thoroughly enjoys mashing up the avocados and mixing various toppings in. And I’m telling you: food tastes better to a child when they have made it! He isn’t always the quickest or most willing eater, [...]

Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

Festive Savory Holiday Tart Featured on FOX & You Have To Laugh At Yourself

This has been a fun and fulfilling food week! Yesterday, I had to plan, shop for, and make a holiday themed dish for Fox’s Good Day Charlotte show as well the event I mention towards the end of this post. They have a segment called “What’s Your Dish?” and it requires bringing in all of [...]

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Fluffy Banana Cupcakes Topped With Chocolate Ganache And Caramelized Bananas

Fluffy Banana Cupcakes Topped With Chocolate Ganache And Caramelized Bananas

I heard about Chiquita hosting a recipe contest which ends tonight at midnight!  The winner will receive $2000. I would even be happy with a runner up mention. The requirements are to include bananas, cream cheese, and chocolate chips. I’ll be honest: Other than my oatmeal cranberry cookies, I am not a regular at making up baked [...]

Charlotte Veggie