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Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza
July 9, 2015It’s always a special blessing when you become good friends with someone in your own family. One of my husband’s cousins is married to an awesome woman who I am so glad to have as a friend. We relate on so many things, food of course included! We trade and recommend recipes and whenever she tries [...]
Red & Green: Panko Crusted Asparagus Fries & Smoky Red Pepper Hummus
December 23, 2015All that shopping and wrapping and just being home more has me in mega snack mode. These two zesty recipes take less than thirty minutes to prepare together! Crispy coated asparagus fries and tangy, creamy buffalo-esque hummus hit the snacking sweet spot while avoiding the need to nap afterwards. I bought asparagus just to saute [...]