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Fast & Furious Ranch Dressing ‘n Dip

Fast & Furious Ranch Dressing ‘n Dip

  There was a time when I had a 2 year old that had a picky palate only pacified by store bought ranch dressing. Oh how many foods he ate with the help of this popular American condiment. I tried to find the healthiest version that I could, either organic, lower in sodium, or with [...]

Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

Slow Cooker: Thai Curry Vegetable Stew

We have officially had a full week of gray, rainy days in Charlotte. I have to really, really push through the way that weighs me down. Even though the kitchen is my oasis and I love love love to cook, I drag when there’s no sunshine. Enter a slow cooker recipe that turned out so [...]

Mending Miso Noodle Soup

Mending Miso Noodle Soup

My kids’ favorite go-to food when they are sick is those Asian instant rice noodle bowls with the little packet of oil and extra salty seasoning. I decided a while back to concoct my own more healing version and we all gobbled it up. Using ginger, garlic, and miso, produces a broth that is soothing [...]

Charlotte Veggie