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Holiday Edition: Broccoli Leek Pie (Gluten & Dairy Free!)

Holiday Edition: Broccoli Leek Pie (Gluten & Dairy Free!)

Give me any vegetable baked into a pie and I’m there!  With the few ingredients most pie crusts call for, I know that they are pretty simple when it comes down to it but this one is even easier. No rolling on the counter while meticulously making sure that your butter stays cold and and your [...]

Fresh Falafel With Tahini Sauce

Fresh Falafel With Tahini Sauce

So many reasons to love and use chickpeas (garbanzo beans). They have a mild nutty flavor that compliments salads, are easy to mash with a buttery texture middle, contain load of nutrients including protein, fiber, vitamins, and are featured in dishes around the world. They contribute to supporting digestive and colon health and many people [...]

Dilly’s Gourmet Guacamole

Dilly’s Gourmet Guacamole

It just warms my heart when my little man pulls up the step stool to prepare food with me! He thoroughly enjoys mashing up the avocados and mixing various toppings in. And I’m telling you: food tastes better to a child when they have made it! He isn’t always the quickest or most willing eater, [...]

Charlotte Veggie