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How Do You Like Them Apples?

How Do You Like Them Apples?

Oh so simple. Oh so good. I wanted a rich dessert but a week of rainy, gray days + sugar just make me feel sticky and lethargic. But I want it all: my temptation satisfied without feeling like a big ball of goo afterwards. This quick and easy recipe hit my sweet, tangy, juicy, crunchy cravings [...]

Simple Asian Dinner: Crusted Tofu, Fresh Spring Rolls, Citrus Nut Chutney

Simple Asian Dinner: Crusted Tofu, Fresh Spring Rolls, Citrus Nut Chutney

This is a mega post showing you a complete meal with Asian flair. We all really enjoyed this light dinner yesteray on a beautiful, sunny day in Charlotte. Fall and Spring really are the best here.  Lately it feels like sun and rain are alternating everyday! I made a baked, breaded tofu with the easiest batter, [...]

Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! What made ours even warmer was the gorgeous weather in Charlotte. It felt like spring time! This was a very special Thanksgiving because my parents and sister and her family all relocated to Charlotte earlier this year. We had a great potluck spread and my sister hosted. [...]

Charlotte Veggie