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Autumn Apples: Sweet & Spice & Everything Nice Smoothie

Autumn Apples: Sweet & Spice & Everything Nice Smoothie

Fall is just around the corner meaning the well priced bags of organic apples at Trader Joe’s are back! You can bet I snagged a few bags. I was standing in my kitchen doing my usual smoothie-for-the-next-day prep when I saw my overflowing basket of apples. Thoughts of apple pie followed. This smoothie is a bit sweeter [...]

Superfoods Smoothie

Superfoods Smoothie

I created this smoothie a day after I returned from travel and desperately needed to reinstate some health. It is clean and mild without any one strong flavor. Included are some of my favorite things that I consider to be superfoods. Greens: mix of baby kale, baby spinach, and baby swiss chard (folate, iron, calcium, vitamins) [...]

Happy 1 week! About My Creative Team

Happy 1 week! About My Creative Team

Tonight marks 1 week since the launch of Charlotte Veggie! I am overwhelmed by the positive response and I can already tell that all of you will be energizing and evolving this site. I thank you dearly. I also want to give an enormous shout-out to my Creative Team in this post. These people were instrumental [...]

Charlotte Veggie