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How To Make Possibly Perfect Pizza

How To Make Possibly Perfect Pizza

After nearly a decade of failed & mediocre attempts to make pizza, the last 12 years, our family has been enjoying homemade pizza that we literally crave and have only found close seconds at restaurants. The secret? It’s not letting your dough rise all day. It’s not simmering homemade sauce for hours. It’s not even the [...]

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto Everything: Raw, Nut-free & With/Without Garlic

Pesto is a fresh and flavorful combination of a leafy green (think herb, arugula, spinach, etc.) + some type of nut (pine nuts, walnuts) + olive oil + sharp aged cheese (like parmesan) + garlic that can serve as an Italian sauce or spread. My basil plant is the only thing in my garden that I happen to [...]

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Having a garden has always been an exciting thought to me but the act of gardening has always appeared a puzzling chore to me. I mean, why is it so complex? If you bury a seed in the ground, why shouldn’t it sprout and then progress onward to a fruit or vegetable? How can something older than time, [...]

Charlotte Veggie